Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I have joined M.O.P.S, mothers of preschoolers. I started attending the play dates early this summer because I had realized how socially anorexic my life was. I had tried when Ben was younger with another group, M.O.M.S I think, but they had residency requirements and there weren't any groups that covered my area. That had kind of soured me on the whole mommy group thing for a while. But I decided to try it again and so far am happy I did. If nothing else, it's something to do every two weeks with activities in between.

Today was fun because it ended up being a diaper exchange. One of the other Moms' son had out grown the two size of diapers so she had brought them for another one. Ayla has recently outgrown the threes so I brought those in case anyone could use them, so the one mom gave one then got one. A cute chuckle.

We also have to get our vehicles checked this year, in Indiana you have to get an emissions test every two years, so I went after the meeting. Trying to explain to Ben what and why were interesting. The lady running the last part got a laugh when she handed me the certificate that allows me to renew my plates and Ben asked what that was and what it meant. My answer was it means the car is healthy.

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