Saturday, March 31, 2012

Today started out like a normalish day and then Ben really got going.  He has taken to stealing things and lying about it.  I'm not sure how much more I can do to get it through that that is NOT o.k. and to not do it.  This morning he took my bluetooth and I asked him if he had it or knew where it was, the answer was no he didn't have it and didn't know where it was.  A little while later, after he was sentenced to cleaning his room and putting his toys away for something else, he comes out of his room with it.  The main event so far today was he got a hold of one of those big black markers, one of the ones that stick to high hell and some kids try to get high off of, and proceeded to draw on - the living room wall, the floor, the old couch (thank god, we just a new couch this week and he spared that one), some small markings on the aquarium stand and the fireplace (one of those space heaters/ fake fireplace things.) 

So now he's "cleaning" his room, honestly I don't care as long as he's in there.  I sounds like a horrid mother but at least I'm honest.  I have already informed Nick that his plans for this afternoon need to be changed or he needs to take Ben with him and cancelled our trip to Bass Pro Shops.  They have their Easter thing going this weekend and next and we were going to go for the egg hunt and a picture, but I can't see taking him there when he has been like this all morning. 

Until the Next Episode............................................................

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