So we'll try this from my tablet for the first time. I do have a blue tooth keyboard so it's kinda like a funny laptop.
I am discovering that I need to work on my patience for homework. Ben has hit the point were he will hem and haw and do everything to (it seems to me) try to get us to either give him the answer or do things halfway. I'll admit I'm having difficulty when it seems like I cannot be any clearer and he is apparently hearing something else. The fun thought with this one is - It's just the beginning.
I have the opportunity to learn how to teach/lead my style of exercise class so will be doing that sometime soon. It'll probably be a while before I feel I am advanced enough to lead but it is something I really like doing.
Since I've talked about it and been deliberately vague, my exercise class is pole dancing. I've dealt with some interesting opinions from those who learn that's what I do for exercise. The big thing is I've never danced in a club and have no intention of starting (especially after 2 kids plus a little hail damage if you get my meaning). But I've had people (I'll also add that some of them were part of a group suppsed to be supportive?) refer to it as my stripping and/or make jokes that make me kinda cock my head to the side. I'm amazed at what some people will try to pass it off as a joke when I'm thinking that you don't know me well enough to make jokes like that and I don't like you enough to let you. Yes, some of my friends will joke with me about it and what not, but the key words in that phrase are with me. Sorry about the high horse, as you can tell it can be a hot button,
So I'll end this here since I do want to get out to the store before I have to pick Ayla up from pre-school. I saw this recipe for vanilla honeycrisp applesauce and want to give it a try since my pickle adventure turned out pretty well.
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