Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We have survived the snowplocalspe. As of right now Nick estimates we have between 14 and 18 inches of snow. The drifts by our cars this morning were more like 26 but that's drifts so they don't really count. Of course it's still coming down but we're past the worst of it if the news was right.

I took a bunch of pictures kinda through out. I took this one shortly after it started yesterday.

We did eventually lose the front step.

See? There is a stupid frog statue under there somewhere. It came with the house.

There it is, kind of. Yeah digging out is going to be fun. At least my work is closed today, as is the daycare but it means we don't have to go out in this stuff.

The snow is up to his chest! That hasn't happened since we had our cavalier and he was smaller than one of my cats. Needless to say I had to bring a snow shovel into the house so I could move the snow away from door. We still had a small avalanche when I opened it but oh well. Towels are now beside the door as long as Ben leaves them there. I don't want to have to deal with a snowy furball on my couch. Since pictures sometimes are lacking I'm including a video of Simba's morning romp in the back yard. You can see how he has to hop.

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