Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Two years, really?

I saw the dates and thought really?  It's been almost 2 years?  But then again time gets away from everyone every now and again.  Though with Facebook being as big as it is, I can see how blogs can get neglected.  It's just as easy to post pictures on the fly from your phone or send them to Instagram. 

For a quick overview of my last two years, I'll try to keep it in some sort of order. 

-I hit 2 years smoke free on Aug. 16th.  Not as bad as expecting but still have these random thoughts/cravings out of the blue every once in a while.

-I am still at the same place though on an even less full time basis than I was.  I leave to make sure I'm home for school bus because

-Ben is in first grade now and loving it.  Ayla is enjoying Pre-K and will be joining him at school next year. 

- I started an exercise class that I love and am going on 1 year straight.  Though it's not mainstream like Zumba or pilates, I'm advancing well in my abilities.  

Guess I'll need to call this done for now since I'm meeting Nick for lunch.  Here's hoping it's not another 2 years before I get back. 

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