Saturday, May 30, 2015

What's next for me

This spring and summer are turning out to be a time of change for me.  Life as it was is going to be making some big turns in the upcoming months. 

I turned in my notice at work a week ago so have one left of my 2, which isn't bad because it translates into only 3 working days.  I am glad I did it when the boss and I were not at a tense point in our relationship.  There wasn't any guilt trips or fits I was half expecting.  I am going to miss some of my regular clients but this is best for me. 

I'm still going to be doing my house call kitties so I won't be completely unemployed but I still only do that on a very part time basis, 2-8 cats a month.  On the other hand, I may be a fitness instructor before the summer is out.  Depending on the demand, I may have my own pole class.  

The kids will be home with me this summer and when school starts in the fall, Ayla will be joining Ben at the elementary school.  It kind of seems like all of a sudden I don't' have and little ones anymore.   

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